
Grace Under Fire  

I’ve been steeped in the wonderful, challenging, exciting creative marketing industry from the moment I stepped out of my undergraduate education. Thriving in a firestorm of creativity, bottom lines and deadlines, I’ve loved (or tried to love) every flame.

Mentors both inspiring and otherwise have taught me something every step of the way. Each moment I take a big deep breath in (thank you, hatha yoga!), then plow through daily tasks or take on my biggest creative challenges. Through it all, I always try to remain Graceful Under Fire. 
(I even named my daughter Grace!). 

This site highlights my areas of expertise and ability to see the big picture. They speak for themselves, so I'll let you in on a few things you can't see:

My ability to bring creatives and marketing teams together to create–magic.  That moment when the words align with the images and somehow fall in line with the marketing objective. That's Magic

The hours I spend looking at team members' strengths and acknowledging their weaknesses.
Re-directing to focus on the strengths. Honesty.

Sometimes team members just need a push toward the light (those who are creative–you know exactly what I mean!). I offer a chair and free therapy (ok, maybe it's just good advice). I’m often found in my office hashing something out with the person in the chair across from me. Most likely, that person is not a direct report.  Good advice. 

The intangibles, the differentiators, the cogs that make the creative wheels turn (and keep turning). Magic. Honesty. Good Advice. 
Above all, Grace Under Fire.

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